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Account Info

Already have an account in this system? Sign in to pre-fill this form!

Primary Account Holder

First Name / Nombre de pila / 名
0 / 50
Last Name / Apellido / 姓
0 / 50
Email Address / Dirección de correo electrónico / 电子邮件地址
0 / 100
Cell Phone / Teléfono Celular / 手机
0 / 100
0 / 50
0 / 5
0 / 100
Please select your preferred language for receiving messages sent home. Por favor, seleccione su idioma preferido para recibir mensajes enviados a casa. 请选择您希望接收家庭通知的首选语言
Add Secondary Account Holder?

General Account Info

Persons Approved to Pick Up your children and Emergency Contacts / Personas aprobadas para recoger a sus hijos y contactos de emergencia / 被批准接您的孩子和紧急联系人的人

First Name / Nombre de pila / 名
0 / 100
Last Name / Apellido / 姓
0 / 100
Cell Phone / Teléfono Celular / 手机
Email Address / Dirección de correo electrónico / 电子邮件地址
0 / 100
Which children is this person approved to pick up? / ¿Qué niños se aprueba esta persona para recoger? / 被批准接您的孩子和紧急联系人的人
Add Another?
Add Another? / ¿Agrega otro? / 添加另一个?

All persons listed on the Approved Pick Up List must present photo identification before children will be released to their care.

Once the enrollment process is completed, and you need to REMOVE from someone from the Approved Pick Up List, please contact us at 510-900-4220 or at

Support PlayCV with a Donation

PlayCV is a non-profit organization (#87-1612445) dedicated to bringing fun and enriching after-school classes, programs, camps, and activities to students in our community. Our mission is twofold: we support students in achieving their academic potential through diverse enrichment activities and joyful play, while nurturing an environment where they can explore their interests and find like-minded communities.

Your donations make a difference! Contributions to PlayCV enable us to expand our programs to include all of Castro Valley's youth, especially those who may face financial barriers. By donating, you help ensure every child has the opportunity to participate in our enriching and engaging programs.

Please consider making a donation today to support our mission and help us continue to provide these valuable experiences for our students. You can enter your donation amount below.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Enrollee Info / Información del estudiante / 学生信息
Program Selection

Program Selection

Add another Enrollee
